The Low Vision Works program is the only low vision process consistently able to increase visual functional acuity and reading speed & accuracy.
But before we talk about the LVW Difference, let’s first talk about the options out there. As baby boomers age and macular degeneration becomes more of a concern, it is natural that low vision is getting more attention. There are a number of options for those who suffer from AMD today:
Community & Residential Support Groups: these groups are available to those who suffer from low vision in a variety of venues. Many senior living communities sponsor AMD and other low vision support groups, which meet regularly. These groups invite relevant outside speakers, provide educational materials & low vision devices such as magnifiers, and conduct discussions through which members can share experiences. Support groups are also sponsored by county and state organizations, such as the Division of Blind Services, The LIGHTHOUSE, The Lions Club and the Center for Visually Impaired Seniors. Some will even visit the patient’s home to offer suggestions.
Low Vision Optometrists: these physicians specialize in low vision. There is only a handful in practice locally. The majority of their work centers on prescribing corrective lenses to help low vision sufferers. Some provide aspects of visual retraining, principally to assist with use of the lenses they design. Unfortunately, these lenses are quite expensive and not covered by Medicare or other forms of insurance. They can, however, be very effective once the patient learns eccentric viewing techniques.
When macular degeneration attacks, it destroys the central portion of the macula known as the fovea. Once the fovea becomes severely damaged, detail or central vision, as we know it, is no longer possible. At this point, most AMD sufferers hear the dreaded words, “There’s nothing more that can be done.”
The fact is, something more can be done!
Through visual retraining based on the principles of Vision Retraining, the eye and the brain can be trained to “behave differently”. They can learn to use other parts of the retina to see more clearly than they can using the damaged macula.
The result is a dramatic increase in visual acuity, often as high as 60 or 70%.

The Low Vision Works program is the only low vision process consistently able to increase visual acuity and reading speed & accuracy, because it is the only process based on eccentric viewing training.